Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Day at Busch Gardens

On Friday I checked the girls out of school a little early and we spent the afternoon at Busch Gardens. Elaine, one of my best friends in the world, was here visiting and the last time she went to Busch Gardens was almost twenty years ago when I came down from Mobile to visit her and she took me there. So now it was my turn to take her. Thankfully, I have a friend that works at Busch Gardens and she had given me free passes for the day. The weather was beautiful, but pretty darned cold. Almost felt like winter. Both Elaine and I love to ride roller coasters, but we had to skip those on this day because I figured it would not be such a great idea to leave the girls alone so we could do that. I did talk them into riding "Cheeta Chase", which is supposedly a kiddie roller coaster. But by the looks on their faces, and the sounds coming out of Amelia during the ride, they did not agree with that statement. I don't think I will ever be able to talk them into riding another ride with me as long as we live. I found the whole thing very amusing, but needless to say, they did not. We did ride "Rhino Rally" which everyone enjoyed. It was a very nice day overall. There was the usual incident where I denied Hannah her God given right to buy a new toy every time she wants one, and that caused some very hurt feelings. But I stood my ground (yea, me!!) and she survived!!! And she has not even mentioned the toy since then. If I could just be consistant with this, my life would probably be so much more calm and less dramatic. I think the saying "Just Say No" applies to more than just drugs!

Was hoping to use this location for our Christmas card this year, but this is the best picture I could get! They love to make me beg for a decent Christmas picture every year, I think.

Here are my little monkeys "grooming" the big gorilla, (and each other) at Busch Gardens.

Posing with the Lion topiary outside the gates to Busch Gardens, and yes, it was cold enough for coats and gloves if you can believe that!

Dancin' in the Streets at Busch Gardens.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ken, my friend that visited last week, sent me some of the pictures he took during our visits. I think they all turned out really nice and wanted to post them here for everyone to see. I wish I was as good as Ken at remembering to take my camera with me, and actually taking pictures when I do have it! I have missed some real "Kodak moments" over the years. And not only that, I need to work at getting them off the camera and onto the computer in a more timely manner as well. In the photos of Ken and Mary and the girls, you would never guess they had only met an hour or so earlier. Hannah and Amelia both look like they have known them both all their lives!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just wanted to share a picture with everyone of my friend, Rango. He is the adult male Bornean orangutan here at Lowry Park Zoo. He just celebrated his 34th birthday on Dec. 4. He is the oldest male Bornean orang in captivity in an AZA facility. He is normally very reserved and keeps to himself on exhibit, but we had a little party for his birthday and he was right down front, eagerly awaiting his gifts! He seemed to know he was the man of the hour. After opening the presents we had wrapped for him, he retired to his usual resting spot to spend a little time admiring the birthday card the kids from the ZooSchool had made for him.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

As usual it has been awhile since my last posting. I have been so busy with work and shuttling the girls back and forth from here to Orlando every weekend. But I have had a very nice week this week, and it promises to continue to be a very nice week. I had a great visit with a friend of mine from college. His name is Ken and we have known each other for about 20 years now! That just seems impossible. We have kept in touch over the years, more thanks to Ken's efforts, as I am always very slow to correspond with anyone. He married a couple of years ago and I had seen many photos of him with his wife, but had never had the pleasure of meeting her. Well, they had come to Florida to visit his sister in Naples and made the trip up to Tampa for the last part of their vacation. It was great to see Ken again (who has barely changed at all since college!) and to finally get to meet his wife, Mary. She is very nice and I really enjoyed getting to know her a little better. We got to go visit the penguins at the zoo, and she is a big fan of penguins. We got to go in the exhibit with them and hang out for a bit. I must admit I really enjoyed it too. Although I work right next door to them every day at the zoo, I never get over that way to see them. So it was neat for me as well to actually be in with them and to touch them and feel what their feathers really feel like. They are very cute and inquisitive, and quite fascinated with anything shiny like our keys and watches.
After our visit to the zoo on Monday, Ken and Mary came to Land O'Lakes tonight and took the girls and me to dinner. The girls were very excited to meet them, and to get to go out for dinner. We never get to do that anymore. They were their usual silly selves, but not too bad. I am sure both Mary and Ken were glad that it was a short visit, however!! If you are not around the girls all the time, then you can really only take them in small doses. They can be a bit overwhelming.
Tomorrow my friend Elaine is coming for a visit. I have not seen her in the last few years so I am very excited to have her here. Unfortunately she will not get to stay very long, but at least we will have a chance to hang out for a couple of days and catch up. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can do a little sightseeing while she is here. 20 years ago I remember visiting her when she lived in Dunedin and she brought me to Busch Gardens for the day. Now we have come full circle and I will be taking her this time. Another wonderful friend of mine that works at the park is going to give us free passes for the day. You know, when I am feeling down or lonely, I just need to think about all the friends I am so blessed to have and be thankful for their friendship and support. Things are not so bad after all.