Saturday, March 27, 2010

The post following this one is very interesting and informative. I don't want to get on a soapbox here, but the rainforests and the incredible wildlife that inhabits them are disappearing at an alarming rate. The orangutans are predicted to be extinct in the wild within the next 10 years if dramatic actions are not taken. Having worked with these animals for nearly 20 years, this is particularly sad for me to imagine. There are so many things working against them, but there is hope. Please take the time to watch the video featuring Willie Smits. He is an amazing man doing amazing things. It is only by raising awareness that we can save the orangutans, and ourselves. Thanks for "listening".

Willie Smits restores a rainforest | Video on

Willie Smits restores a rainforest Video on

Monday, March 15, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

Wow, I can't believe I have not updated this since August. I guess I have been otherwise occupied. There have been a few holidays and a birthday or two since the last posting. The girls are almost finished with another year of school! Amelia is in the first grade, and is doing great. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez. Hannah is in the fourth grade (taking FCAT tests last week and this week). She is still making great grades and enjoying school. I am so proud of them both. Hannah did so well on her FCAT last year that she has been recommended for an advanced learning program thru Duke University. There are different areas of interest the kids can focus on to do projects they can then submit to the program for recognition. Hannah is especially excited about the possibility of having one of her stories or poems published. I am going to include a couple of pictures from the first day of school. Hopefully I remember how to add them on here...
Looking at these pictures makes me realize how much time has passed. Both of the girls have changed their hairstyles once or twice since these were taken. They look so sweet and innocent in these pictures. I wish they would stop growing up so fast!!

I guess the next big event that took place was Thanksgiving. I was so fortunate as to have to work all day, so for the first time in my life, I spent the holiday alone. Poor me. The girls spent the holiday with Steve and his family. When I got home from work I planned to have a turkey sandwich, but my wonderful neighbors came over as I was coming in the house with a delicious plate of food from their dinner earlier in the day. So I was able to be part of the day after all!

For Christmas this year, the girls and I stayed home. Last year we went to Steve's Dad's and Step-mom's for the holiday. It was our first Christmas without Steve here, so we wanted to do something a little different so that it would not be so hard for us. We had a very good time, and Jill and Steve were so wonderful to us and made us feel so welcome. But this year, we were ready to start our new Christmas traditions here at home. Steve actually came over before work on Christmas morning to see the girls open their gifts, and even took a quick bike ride with them before he had to go. They were thrilled he got to be here, and I was really happy to celebrate at home. They got lots of goodies from Santa, and kept themselves busy for the next couple of days. A few days later the three of us packed up and headed to Jacksonville to visit "Jilly" and "Uncle Pappy". Santa had left some very, very nice (and much hoped for) gifts there for the girls. He even left me some really nice things there, too!! They each got a ZhuZhu pet and they got their very own laptop computer. I think Hannah knows more about how to use a computer than I do now. We had a really nice visit, and I was sad to see it end so soon.

Putting out "Reindeer Food" on Christmas Eve

A few of the gifts left by Santa Claus