Monday, June 15, 2009

Well, summer is well underway. If there were any doubt before, there isn't after spending the last 3 days working outside in this heat and humidity. And I know they say it's not the heat, but the humidity..... But honestly, I think it is the heat. I am not looking forward to the next three or four months. I do not understand why so many people come to the zoo during the summer when they could actually be at home in the air-conditioning!!! We do what we can to help the animals stay cool, and they all seem to fare pretty well. It is us old folks that really suffer!!
Anyway, the girls have been out of school for a couple of weeks, and I have barely seen them. They went to Steve's dad's and step-mom's last Wednesday and will not be home until tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday). While I have really enjoyed being lazy and not having to worry about anyone but me, I have missed them so much! Amelia made her first visit to the emergency room the first day she was there. She was running around the pool and slipped and fell. She landed on her chin and split it a little. I was at work and got a message that she was "ok, but going to the ER to be checked". My poor baby! Steve was with her, and said she did great. She did not have to have stitches, just a little "glue" and a couple of butterfly bandages. Hannah texted me the next morning and said "Amelia's chin doesn't hurt, and all we had to do was glue her back together". Thankfully the rest of the visit has been relatively uneventful. However, they are a bit homesick. Hannah sent me a text message yesterday saying she just really wants to come home. I wanted to jump in the car and go get them, but I had to work all day today and couldn't do it. I think they have had fun, but there is "no place like home", after all. I mean they can't even have a good ol' fight, hitting and crying and tattling, when they are away. They apparantly put on some kind of facade and lead everyone to believe they are these adorable, well behaved children that never do all the things I say they do!! I know they are ready to get back so they can show their true colors, haha!
We are leaving again on Friday. We will drive to Melbourne to meet up with Tracy and her girls, then we will all pile into her van and head for Alabama. We are going for a family reunion and to see Daddy for Father's Day. I am excited to go and see everyone, but am not looking forward to being captive in the van with 5 little girls for 13 hours. Uuuggghhh!! Whenever we stop for a break, we look like a bunch of clowns piling out of one of those little cars at the circus. It is surprising how much you can actually fit in one of those vans.
Hopefully the weather will be nice for our trip, and the girls will get to have lots of outdoor play time. I hope to get lots of pictures, and will then post them to share with everyone.
Here's wishing all of you dads out there a very Happpy Father's Day!!!!

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