Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, we made it through our first day of school for the 2008-2009 school year. Amelia is now officially a Kindergarten student. She was a little nervous and a lot excited on her first day. She did great! Her biggest concern when we dropped her off in the morning was that she was going to have to leave her lunch box on the shelf in the hallway outside her classroom. She really wanted to keep it close by, just in case someone decided to help themselves to her lunch while she wasn't looking, I guess. But once I reassured her that it would be there when she needed it, she went right into the classroom, met her teacher, and got to work coloring the first picture of her academic career! Hannah has done all this before, so it was not really a big deal for her. She was more concerned about Amelia, as any big sister should be. She can be really protective of her sometimes. Guess she wants to make sure Amelia is going to be around for her to abuse and beat up on. Anyway, they both had a really good first day, then due to the potential for bad weather (Tropical Storm Fay), school was closed today. So tomorrow is their second day. I am interested to see how long it takes for the excitement to wear off for Amelia. Hannah is already saying how much she hates school and wishes summer lasted 5 years and school only one day. Ah, if only......

1 comment:

  1. Really like your blog. The pictures of the kids on the 1st day are great!
